Friday, 14 August 2015

Food Technology- Chocolate Cake

WALT: We are learning to follow a recipe.

Last week for technology we made Chocolate Cake. We were split into three groups of 4 in my group there was Willy, TJ, Cavhyon and my self. Every time we do technology we make a DLO about it we couldn't finish it on time last week so me and Willy finished it together.


  1. Hey Sulaiman,

    Just some Feedforward uhmmm you got your title wrong for this post. For example the title of your Presentation is called 'Chocolate Cake' while the title of your post is called 'Banana Nuggets'.
    So yeah... the sad thing is Willy helped with the presentation...By Sulaiman, cavhyon and 'Willy'.

    -Mehi, Willy, Cypress and Brandon

  2. Thanks for the feedforward.

    1. Hi, mate, just came back here and I read this,

      'the sad thing is Willy helped with the presentation...By Sulaiman, cavhyon and 'Willy'. Actually, there was never really anything to do with me, therefore I condemn that little bit of the comment. I was never part of this fault. Just putting it out there.

      And Mehi's a banana.

