Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Hercules - Movies study

Today Me and my friend Etai and Brandon worked together on a movie study about Hercules. We had to write about what the characteristics about all the character in the movie.

Never give up recount writing

Never give up

It's warm up time the coach says first the team had to run as fast as we could.We ran laps around the field after that the whole team was lying in a row on the field. Then we did our stretches we stretched our hamstrings at the back of our legs. It was time for ball skills four cones are arranged in a square we practiced picking up the ball and running with it diagonally across the square without crashing to each other.

When everyone warmed up the  team did their stretches the boys concentrate on keeping their balance as they stretch to ten as they stretch the hamstrings at the back of their knees.

Now it is time for ball skills four cones are arranged in a square. It's time for some maths says coach there are twelve of you and we need equal numbers behind each cone. The team practiced picking up the ball and running with it diagonally without crashing into each other. Rugby players need to be able to think and run at the same time says coach.

Now things get more complicated instead of planting the ball on the ground at the far side of the square they have to pass it to a team-mate. make sure the person you are passing to is looking at you. if anyone drops the the whole team has to do ten push-ups.That really helps everyone to concentrate!

passing and catching skills says coach so here is a new drill called truck and trailer. The players run around the square in pairs,passing the ball to each other. The trailer has to say close to the truck as they pass the ball backwards and forwards. finally the players practice passing the ball along lines of four players, keeping their eyes on the ball. They need to get rid of the ball quickly and make sure they pass it into the next player's hand Ten push ups if you drop it coach warns.

Tackle practice Don't forget your head has to stay behind the player you're tackling he says. And always tackle around the players legs so that no one gets injured.There's just a time for a quick game of six-a-side. its a chance for the team to put all their skills together. Then everyone does some long slow stretches to cool down. Everyone flops on the ground and the coach says never give up.

Last week For writing we had to write a recount story I wrote about my rugby training. Me and my friend Mana worked together for the planning. And it took me about 10 minutes to write this Recount Story I hope u like it.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Bio Poem

Last term we had to make our Bio Poem it is all about me. We had to write about what we liked, who feels, who would and son of and this is my Bio Poem I hope you like it :).

Friday, 8 May 2015

Looking at Friendship

This google drawing is telling you about  the differences between positive and negative friends.